Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Senior Mosts

  1. Most Likely to be a Billionaire
  2. Most Artistic
  3. Most School Spirited
  4. Best Facial Hair
  5. Biggest Braniac
  6. Next Dr. Phil and Oprah
  7. Next President
  8. Most Athletic
  9. Best Bromance
  10. Best Girlmance
  11. Next Famous Singer
  12. Barbie and Ken
  13. Biggest Class Clown
  14. Best Dressed
  15. Most likely to be late to Graduation
  16. Most likely to be on Reality TV
  17. Next Actor/Actress
  18. Best smile
  19. Best Dance
  20. Most likely to be a superhero
  21. Most likely to be in the FBI
  22. Most likely to be in the army
  23. Most likely to be a Jedi
  24. Next Betty Cocker

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