Story Writing Do's and Dont's

  • Fresh, unique angles
  • One-of-a-kind, storytelling quotes
  • Little-known facts & figures
  • Use of sights, sounds & other senses
  • Story packages
  • Consistent style with regards to capitalization, punctuation, spelling, attributions, abbreviations
Do Not's
  • Boring nouns: Choose image-evoking nouns like chemists instead of students, environmentalists instead of club members & defensive linemen instead of players.
  • Weak verbs: Strive to avoid non-action verbs such as is, are, was, were, be, being, been, seems & appears.
  • Obvious material: Facts, figures & quotes that are already common knowledge.
  • Long paragraphs: Reader-inviting & journalistic paragraphs are limited to one, two & no more than three concise sentences.
  • Word overuse: The school name & initials, the mascot & the phrase this year should be avoided whenever possible.
  • Editorializing: rely on excellent reporting of facts & figures to avoid having to use opinionated words such as busy, successful, diligent, etc. Allow sources to state any opinion through their direct quotes.
  • Second-person usage: Avoid direct reference to readers in your copy unless the writer knows everyone reading the copy has the same conception.
Check out this link for some more story writing tips!

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