Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/25 Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome
    • What is yearbook?
    • Goals for this year
      • Communication
      • Student body coverage
    • General expectations
      • Honesty and Integrity
      • Deadlines are not negotiable.
      • Complete the work you are signed up for
  • Lettering Policy
  • Camera Checkout Policy
    • Must reserve the time you need the camera
    • Only to be used for yearbook events
    • Charge before returning
    • Upload any photos YOU took (don't take off of camera though!)
  • Who wants to go to sporting events this week?
    • Each week we will need to know so that we can get tickets
  • Business Ads & Baby Ads
  • JOBS:
    • Senior Mosts
    • Senior Quotes
    • Underclassmen Mug
  • Facebook and Website
    • Staff tshirts!

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