Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Jobs 9-25

In homeroom today these people signed up to work on these tasks:

Senior Mosts:
  • Julie Koehn
  • Mimi Holiday
Senior Quotes:
  • Morgan Veiman
  • Brooke Koehn
  • Cheyene Tessier
11th Grade Mugs:
  • Tabitha Ato
  • Sadie Carlsen
  • Skylar Campbell
10th Grade Mugs:
  • Ashley Agwatu
  • Ka Siab Yang
  • Faith Epps-Harper
9th Grade Mugs:
  • Amanda Bade
  • Amanda Reed

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/25 Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome
    • What is yearbook?
    • Goals for this year
      • Communication
      • Student body coverage
    • General expectations
      • Honesty and Integrity
      • Deadlines are not negotiable.
      • Complete the work you are signed up for
  • Lettering Policy
  • Camera Checkout Policy
    • Must reserve the time you need the camera
    • Only to be used for yearbook events
    • Charge before returning
    • Upload any photos YOU took (don't take off of camera though!)
  • Who wants to go to sporting events this week?
    • Each week we will need to know so that we can get tickets
  • Business Ads & Baby Ads
  • JOBS:
    • Senior Mosts
    • Senior Quotes
    • Underclassmen Mug
  • Facebook and Website
    • Staff tshirts!

Staff Tshirt Sign-Up

Please click on the picture below to sign-up for your yearbook staff tshirt. The tshirts are free to all staff members who continue throughout the whole year!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Homecoming Week

Homecoming week is almost here! Today in homeroom we had the sign-up sheet out for anyone who would like to take pictures. (Link for that here if you missed it!) Please put a * by your name on the sign-up sheet if you need to borrow a camera. Homecoming only comes once a year so we want to make sure we have every aspect covered. Don't forget that by taking quality pictures at events like homecoming helps you work towards lettering (and a free yearbook)! Having photographers at every event helps us to include pictures like these in our book: